
Unholy Allegiances: Heeding Revelation’s Warnings is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded “end times” theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help readers thoughtfully and properly approach the book of Revelation. This is a truly unique book that studies Revelation by (1) stating the context in which it was written (Roman Asia in the first century), (2) noting why John wrote what he did to the church, and...

Christian practice (although, in her case, those boundaries are considerably wider than John would understand them to be). In Revelation, the seven “letters” to the seven churches are a prime example of early Christian prophecy. They are better labeled the seven “oracles” to the seven churches, for after the command to John to “write” down the oracle, the actual message to the church begins in a manner recollecting the prophetic formula, “Thus says the Lord” (e.g., “These are the words of the Son
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